Sep 18, 2009

More Chex, diamonds

I can't really remember what colors I used exactly for this but this was the first look I did to try out the nail pens. It is okay, but I did not wait for it to dry completely and it smeared a bit when applying a shimmering top coat. Base coat under diamonds is Wet N' Wild ice blue pearl. It is really pretty in light goes on like clear but when you turn a certain way it is a pearly blue.


Paige said...

I love that pattern, you did such a great job!

Lucy said...

What a beautiful hargequin pattern. I love the combination of colors and the shimmering top coat. Very lovely!

Mary said...

That looks great! I love the combination of the colors you chose with that pattern.

Pink Ginger said...


Pam said...

Thank you all for the sweet comments, I'm glad you like my randomness.