Good morning ladies
It has been a crazy week, I was battling a bit of the flu and did not post regularly (sorry). Here is the look I am currently removing as I have had them on all week. It was a quick style that I did after a failed look so it is not all that neat. The small beads are some that I received from Dollarnailart.com, and I really liked how they looked, however they did not stay on after one day. If someone could give some tips or suggestions on what they use to put their embellishments on and they stay I would really appreciate it. Thanks for the support guys.

I like it!
That's cute, I like it!
Very cute!
This reminds me of a Harlequin design. Very cute! Love the jewels.
thank you, I am having trouble coming up with new designs lately. Will have to hit the tube for some inspiration.
Ooh! You just inspired me. I've been buying those nail art brush polishes by Sinful Colors (only $2) and I think I'll do a colorful french mani, too! A tiny stripe of each color on the tip. Thanks for the idea.
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